Nils Korte



  • Korte N, James G, You H, Hirunpattarasilp C, Christie I, Sethi H, Attwell D

Noradrenaline released from locus coeruleus axons contracts cerebral capillary pericytes via α2 adrenergic receptors



  • Barkaway A, Attwell D, Korte N

Immune - vascular mural cell interactions – consequences for immune cell trafficking, cerebral blood flow and the blood-brain barrier


  • Korte N*, Ilkan Z*, Pearson C, Pfeiffer T, Singhal P, Rock J, Sethi H, Gill D, Attwell D, Tammaro P

The Ca2+-gated channel TMEM16A amplifies capillary pericyte contraction and reduces cerebral blood flow after ischemia

J Clin Invest.


  • Prakash P*, Jethava KP*, Korte N*, Izquierdo P*, Favuzzi E, Rose I, Guttenplan K, Dutta S, Rochet JC, Fishell G, Liddelow S, Attwell D, Chopra G

Monitoring phagocytic uptake of amyloid β into glial cell lysosomes in real time

Chem Sci.

  • Nizari S, Basalay M, Chapman P, Korte N, Korsak A, Christie IN, Theparambil SM, Davidson SM, Reimann F, Trapp S, Yellon D, Gourine AV

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor activation dilates cerebral arterioles and mediates remote (pre)conditioning-induced neuroprotection against ischaemic stroke

Basic Res.


  • Korte N*, Nortley R*, Attwell D

Cerebral blood flow decrease as an early pathological mechanism in Alzheimer's disease

Acta Neuropathol.


  • Nortley R, Korte N, Izquierdo P, Hirunpattarasilp C, Mishra A, Jaunmuktane Z, Kyrargyri V, Pfeiffer T, Khennouf L, Madry C, Gong H, Richard-Loendt A, Huang W, Saito T, Saido TC, Brandner S, Sethi H, Attwell, D

Amyloid β oligomers constrict human capillaries in Alzheimer's disease via signaling to pericytes


  • Isasi E, Korte N, Abudara V, Attwell D, Olivera-Bravo S

Glutaric acid affects pericyte contractility and migration: possible implications for GA-I pathogenesis

Mol. Neurobiol.


  • Cheng J*, Korte N*, Nortley R, Sethi H, Tang Y, Attwell D. (2018)

Targeting pericytes for therapeutic approaches to neurological disorders

Acta Neuropathol.

  • Liu Y, Antonic A, Yang X, Korte N, Lim K, Michalska, AE, Dottori M, Howells DW

Derivation of phenotypically diverse neural culture from hESC by combining adherent and dissociation methods

J Neurosci Methods.

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